Feature Wall in Our Bedroom

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A simple master bedroom feature wall changed this embarrassing “before” into a room we are starting to love. Downsizing our furniture helped make it feel more spacious.

(Color Name: Pond Stone by Magnolia found at Ace Hardware)

Obligatory, embarassing BEFORE photos

As with every project, I have to start with the embarrassing before photo. Zero attempts to decorate had been made when I snapped these. The room served as a dumping ground and storage area for random decor that had no home.

Laying the Foundation

In the future we will install new floors, more wall trim and add more color in our decor. Foundational furniture pieces are where we are spending our money right now and painting the dingy walls “Simply White”. (Tour our house from the beginning).

I took an Instagram poll to see if I should paint the entire bedroom this dark color but the majority of people said no. So a feature wall it is!

Master Bedroom Wall Color Update
Pale blues, greens and grays are emerging. I could even see yellow or sienna here.

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Nightstand “Knock Off” Project for 1/4 of the Price

I loved the style of these nightstands that my friend had for sale. I originally had my eye on an expensive night stand set which was way out of my price range. They both received a complete makeover and we love them now.

We are just experimenting right now and deciding what our foundations are going to look like. I am loving the green against this loden colored wall

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A glimpse of the rest of the space. It’s a process! Once we hire painters to finish the vaulted areas, we will start on the master bath and closet.

Stay tuned — later this week I’ll share more about the nightstands makeover as well as my final thoughts on the Casper mattresses.

How is everyone doing? Are you all healthy and staying home? We certainly are trying to minimize our trips as much as possible. School is now out until April 30th so we are homeschooling, too.

Stay well, friends! xoxo

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  1. Lisa Marutz says:

    Love the color of the feature wall, and the art on the wall.
    Did you paint the landscape picture?!?!
    Thanks for sharing 💜

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog SnazzyLittleThings.com says:

      Thank you! Gosh I wish I could paint like that. I want to try to imitate it…it was a purchase years ago at Bombay Company.

  2. Teresa Clanton says:

    Love love love! It looks beautiful.

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog SnazzyLittleThings.com says:

      Thanks you Teresa it was a much needed change! :)

  3. Jeanette,
    Oh, I’m lovin’ the feature wall color!
    My entire Master bedroom is painted in a Smoky Slate (D68-4) Olympic Paints.
    It makes one feel as if you’re wrapped in a cocoon at night!
    So~o~o tranquil and relaxing!
    The progress of this transformation is so inspiring!
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog SnazzyLittleThings.com says:

      Pat I looked up the smoky slate — SO pretty. I am loving this darker wall and missed it. I’m ready for some brighter colors in this house — unlike our last house. I’m going to stick with light on the side walls just to make it feel more open and airy with the 2 story vaulted ceiling.

  4. Nancy Davies says:

    What a difference your partial reno has made. I love it!! Love the dark colour.

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog SnazzyLittleThings.com says:

      Thanks Nancy, I was nervous because in person it’s green but I’m loving it.

  5. Diana Smith says:

    I love watching this transformation. I’m so afraid to go with a dark color on my walls but using it the way you did, well, now I have to try it! Thanks for all the updates. Can’t wait to see the rest!


    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog SnazzyLittleThings.com says:

      Thank you Diana. I understand the fear — I love testing out a wall just to see how I like it. We are still debating on whether the whole room should be dark, so I know the feeling. More changes coming…the room is starting to look finished – even with just 1 wall updated. :)

  6. Hi! We just bought a house that has an odd feature like yours in this bedroom– the walls kind of stop 3/4 of the way up and have sort of a shelf near the ceiling. (I’m looking at your before photo from the bedroom to the bathroom.) We can’t figure out what to do with those! It seems like anything we put up there is going to be covered with dust in a matter of weeks. Did y’all decorate that or leave it empty?