How to Fix Broken Furniture Embellishment (Video)

When we sold our last house, we also sold quite a few furniture items with it. In our current house we are curating and collecting old furniture while mixing it with new. Hunting for old pieces with character is fun, but waiting for the perfect piece requires patience! Then I laid eyes on this beauty.

This beautiful 1920’s chifforobe I found at an online auction site. I’ve been on the lookout for French style furniture with ornate wooden embellishments.
It looked great at first glance, but upon further inspection, it needed some major work. No legs, a broken wooden embellishment and was a bit…rough. For this reason I was able to snag this former beauty for only $45.
After my search online came up short for a replacement piece for the embellishment, I decided to duplicate the embellishment using mold putty and resin. You can purchase the kit here (affiliate link included).
I tried to avoid painting the entire piece, but as you might have guessed, it was very hard to match the wood once the mold was created…so paint it was.

With a few basic DIY skills you are light years ahead of most people in the race for beautiful, antique pieces. Knowing basic furniture repair is a great way to keep your heirlooms looing new, or gives you an edge when shopping for secondhand furniture for your home.
Stay tuned, the sudden turn in weather has caused this project to sit, we are adding legs then planning to use it in our guest bedroom soon.