Giving Your House “Good Vibes” – with Feng Shui
“The Little Book of Feng Shui” is such a fun read and explains how you, too, can give your home good vibes and a perfect balance. It was so interesting to learn the basic principles of this decorating concept that I know very little about. Here are a few snippets that I found so interesting.

In it’s very basic form, Feng shui is a decorating concept that seems to be very connected with the “spark joy” movement, except it gives you a roadmap for decorating your spaces.
I definitely recognize the feeling you get when you walk into an open and airy space with a positive energy. I want to keep whatever this good “chi” is that seems to be happening in our life right now.

I was super curious as to why I love using black so much in my decor. Evidently it represents water and wealth. When placed near your front door, it opens you up to new opportunities….so. YAY!
So maybe this explains why black is my favorite decorating “color”. ?
Then it starts to get real. Bascially, “bagua” gives you a feng shui map for each room. So if you want more wealth, for example, you use the bagua as a way to introduce feng shui elements to evoke whatever it is you want in that space.
For example, the north is the sector of opportunity in a room. So placing a water element (or black) in the the opportunity sector – say in an office – brings more opportunities to create wealth.
Basically you want all of the elements present in all of your spaces.

This little book is a perfect guide for beginners and a fun, easy read. It offers a room-by-room guide to help you bring more elements, more complex applications of feng shui and the bagua (map) for each of your spaces.
Thank you, Mary Kate from @simonandschuster for sending this my way. It’s fun to assess your spaces and breathe new life into them, so I thought I would share a little bit of what I learned today.
Enjoy this book! It’s available on Amazon if you’d like to purchase.