Patriotic Front Porch with Americana Buntings

Patriotic Front Porch for Summer

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This year we’re excited to welcome new traditions with neighbors and friends and to kick off the summer season in our new home.

Patriotic Front Porch with Americana Buntings
Buntings by Plow & Hearth. Be sure to enter their $250 giveaway!

Memorial Day Porch Decorations

Today I’m featuring home and garden decor from Plow & Hearth who graciously sponsored this post and sent me a variety of beautiful home decor which inspired my porch project.

Door wreath is a DIY by me. A $10 basket with live (and fake) plants mixed together. Easy!
Flag Buntings by Plow & Hearth.

Patriotic decor fits well in any neighborhood, ours in particular reminds me of colonial Williamsburg with Greek Revival and Federal style architecture with cute yards and picket fences. The bonus is that these houses are 15 years new. Low maintenance homes with a vintage vibe. :)

I actually sit on the porch all the time now that the weather is nice! In fact, that’s where I’ve been lately. I’ve fallen off the blogging wagon a bit for a much-needed break. It’s good to be back!
Fence and porch buntings by Plow & Hearth

Check out this adorable Kingsgate Birdhouse. It even lights up! For now it has a home right here until the rest of our landscape is done.

Kingsgate bird house by Plow & Hearth

This is the view that made me fall in love with our new place.

Patriotic Front Porch 2019 with White Picket Fence by
Buntings from Plow & Hearth.

It’s been 9 months since we moved in, once the warm weather kicked in it inspired a DIY landscaping project.

Strawberries, alyssum and sweet potato vines are in our window boxes. You can see a bit of our landscape is torn up in the background but it’s coming along quickly.
Solar lighting by Plow & Hearth

We are building up the flower beds, adding some landscape pavers…and these lovely new solar lights from Plow & Hearth.

Stay tuned for updates…I’m mapping out a flowerbed design that I hope will offer year-round greenery, cut flowers, and hopefully low maintenance. I’m working hard to overcome my black thumb! Wish me luck…

This post is sponsored by Plow & Hearth.

To all the servicemen and women who have fought to keep our country free and the stars and stripes flying proudly from sea to shining sea….

….I salute you.

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  1. I love America and love flying our country’s flag. I have decorated big time in my house but haven’t done much outdoors yet. Your home looks beautiful!

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog says:

      Thank you Nancy! I’m with you! I never went all-out with exterior decorating in the summer but this was a fun project. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Sylvia Hill says:

    Beautifully decorated patriotic porch! My husband is a veteran and I’m always looking for ideas for this special day. I love your furniture. Could you please tell you got the chairs. They look so comfortable. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  3. Jeanette,
    This Patriotic Porch is stunning!
    Love how you’ve placed the bunting up high on your porch!
    I adore the basket planter at your front door!
    Truly inspiring!

  4. I am loving your porch! I need to find some of those swags for my home….

  5. Hi Jeanette!
    Beautifully done! I love the way you centered the banners at each column! I use to love decorating the porch at our old house in patriotic decor. I haven’t done it in this house because it’s back in the woods and not a soul sees it unless they drive back. Your post has inspired me to change that, though. While it’s beautiful to look at from the road, it should also be about what brings us joy. So, I think I’m going to do things differently come the 4th of July! Thanks for the inspiration! I would love for you to share this at Homestyle Gathering via Serving Up Southern.
    >>> Kim

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog says:

      THanks Kippi!

  6. Your front porch is so cute! We didn’t put one on our house. I didn’t think I wanted one. My MIL told me I will later on and she was right! We have a deck in The back but it’s not the same. Just something inviting to a home with a nice front porch!
    I also love the planters with the Lion heads on them. They weren’t listed with your links. Is that something that you got a while ago and don’t have a way of getting?

    1. Jeanette, DIY & Decorating Blogger says:

      Hi Kim! I believe those lion head planters were a special buy and I haven’t been able to find them anywhere else. I do miss our old neighborhood, although this one is very similar to home.

  7. Linda Hickey says:

    Beautiful patriotic decorating.

    1. Jeanette, DIY & Decorating Blogger says:

      Thank you Linda!