Found antique buffet 50 dollars right side 1

A $50 Queen Anne buffet

For as long as I can remember, our formal dining room has been an office. I spend so much time in here and it’s the first room on your right when you enter my home. Here a glimpse of it when I first began blogging in 2012-13.

Home Office by Snazzy Little Things
I purchased the Alderson black desk set from Arhaus.

And here it is now. Not much has changed in this room five years later. In fact, some things never moved at all…I found a flow that worked for me and I didn’t feel compelled to change it.

But then…this buffet appeared on my screen.

Queen Anne Buffet for Fifty Dollars

For $50…and I started to think….a little change may be good? ;-) And maybe we can bring a little bit of a dining room feel back into the office.

While we really don’t need a buffet, nor do we need a formal dining room. — I always need a creative outlet!  That could be decorating, writing, photography…or…painting furniture. Before (or if) I paint it, I’m sizing it up and giving this a piece a chance – it really depends on whether it works with my existing decor.

So here it is. I’m still deciding. What do you think?

Queen Anne Buffet Full View with Magnolia Garland

A little paint may be needed. I’m thinking grey. And white walls. And a new frame.

Queen Anne Buffet Before Repairs with Garland and holiday lights

She needs a little work. I can create the missing trim myself using this DIY clay moulding technique I learned from Nancy at Artsy Chicks Rule. I can stain the clay molding to closely match, or paint it a new color.

This buffet allows me to bring in a little more French inspiration into the house. If I do paint, I’m leaning towards a mix of Annie Sloan’s French Linen combined with Graphite along with a darker wax, much like the buffet makeover found on Urban Patina. But for $50 I’m letting this piece become the impetus for some small changes in our office-wanna-be-dining-room.

Update: I ended up selling this buffet when we moved into the new house. But it worked well when showing our house to sell that the room could either be a dining room -or- an office.

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  1. I like the buffet just the way it is. What is wrong with natural wood?

    1. Ellis Merritt Godsoe says:

      I agree completely!

  2. I really hate to see that beautiful wood covered up, it is an amazing piece as is. Not all things need paint jobs in my opinion.

    1. Thank you! My sentiments exactly!

      1. I was on the fence about it myself! I love natural, antiqued wood that’s not too damaged. But I have been known to paint furniture — just warning you ahead of time :)

  3. judy morano says:

    It’s gorgeous as is. Some pieces do need paint but not this one.

  4. 50 dollars! What a score! I love the buffet and I, too, would be tempted to paint it as well. I like to miss wood with painted pieces. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it. It’s interesting that you want to combine a dining room feel with the office space. I’m curious as to how you’ll do that.

  5. I love it! And what a find for $50. I like the sound of the gray. It will be beautiful if you paint it or leave it as it is.

  6. Marijean Jenson says:

    I think it’s beautiful as is ! I just purchased an antique dresser. I had plans on painting it, but I love it the way it is ! Just a personal preference I guess ! I’m sure it will look great whatever you do !

  7. Ellis Merritt Godsoe says:

    I agree completely!

  8. Charolette says:

    I would never paint such beautiful wood! It shows some signs of “life experience”, but a good cleaning, etc. would make her shine!

  9. Sherry Shedd says:

    What would you recommend to style the empty space under a queen Ann sideboard?

    1. Jeanette, DIY Blog says:

      There was a time that I used to have LOTS of stuff and would decorate every nook and cranny. Today my advice would be to keep it empty. Let the piece speak for iteself :)

  10. That Queen Anne is gorgeous as it is. Maybe a great wax done and find replacement knobs. Its beautiful.