Before & After: Guest Bath REVEAL!

It’s reveal day for our rustic elegant guest bath makeover! It’s so nice to finally upgrade this space for our friends and family who visit! Here is a reminder what it looked like before the upgrades.

Keep in mind it’s about 95% finished. A shower tile project is out of budget at the moment, but for now, this is a huge upgrade and we are ready for our guests!
Rustic Elegant Bathroom, After

I’m pushing myself out of a design comfort zone a bit and did something a little different: I let my KIDS pick this color – and they chose sheet vinyl flooring made by LifeProof. This floor is super comfortable to walk on and offered a very simple installation. After doing some research I learned that the look and feel of sheet vinyl flooring has come a long way!
Sheet vinyl flooring by LifeProof has a wood-like texture and is the perfect choice for kids rooms, mudrooms, laundry rooms, craft rooms or in our case, our basement bathroom. It was also so easy to install (click this link to see the process).

LifeProof flooring is found at The Home Depot and offers both style and durability. People are shocked that it’s vinyl, even when they are standing on it, they can’t tell. Installation was fast, under 30 minutes.
I chose this floor not only for the durability, but also it’s rustic-elegant appeal. I can go either direction with my decor, which works out perfectly since we are still making decisions about our basement style.

My random vintage things seem to work nicely in here – I have a lot of remnant items since downsizing my antique booth so I’m mixing things up and experimenting a bit.

We added hooks, shelving and the upgraded vanity offers more storage than the previous space. It’s a nice change from having zero storage options before.

We are so happy to check this room off the list. No more mint green walls – and let’s not talk about the stinky old carpet.

If you’d like to see the flooring options, sheet vinyl flooring by LifeProof is found exclusively at The Home Depot. And I’d like to thank LifeProof for working with us on this project!
More projects are in the works (including an update on our master bedroom). Thanks for following along!
Great makeover! Can you share your source for the towel rack/hooks and also the paint colour?
Thank you! I updated the post to include links to all of the sources. The towel hooks are from Target :)
When I clicked on the vanity cabinet link which you list at $99, it takes me to the Home Depot site where same cabinet is priced at $449.40 on sale? Quite the bargain or a misprint?
Ugh I think the pricing on that vanity fluctuates it’s been totally different price every time I visit the website! Sorry about that. I actually purchased mine for $69 and it was listed at $229. So evidently I got a heck of a deal. Maybe keep checking – I called about the price and inquired and a really nice person helped me over the phone and for whatever reason he gave me an amazing price.
The link is not working for the tray. I would love to know where you found it.
I bought it on Wayfair’s website over 2 years ago, they may be discontinued but I’ll see if I can locate a new link.
I cannot locate it but found similar trays on Amazon. Here is my affiliate link:
Recuperating from surgery and when I saw this makeover, it makes me want to get up and redo my own guest bath! Looks amazing!
Wow I absolutely love what you did here. What a beautiful space now! ☘
Thanks Cheryl, we are finally getting to the last few spaces in the house for our first phase of DIY. Thanks for being a long-time subscriber! :)
Love the update! What is the color paint you used? It looks like a delicious chocolate bar!
What is the paint color? it looks like a delicious chocolate bar! Beautiful job! No one will want to leave!
Hi, I am new to your blog and love what you do. I’m having trouble finding the paint color you used in your Guest Bathroom. I noticed others asked for it and I’m not sure they found it but I could not. Thank you.